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A French company solves the mystery of mummies thanks to a simple scanner

IMA Solutions has been offering technologies for several years to learn more about mummies and their past. Tools necessary for museums to perfect their expertise.

Knowing all the smallest details of a mummy is possible thanks to a simple scanner. The French company IMA Solutions has been offering solutions for French and international museums since 2008 so that they can learn more about their collections.

“The company has specialized for 15 years in the 3D digitization of heritage via new imaging technologies, from the medical world and the industrial world. Our day-to-day job is to explore and study these ancient human remains in a non-destructive and with the greatest possible precision”, explains Benjamin Moreno, founder and general manager of IMA Solutions and guest of Tech&Co.

Details without touching the strips

To achieve this feat, the company uses the same scanners as for humans, with the examination taking place in a hospital or clinic. These imaging techniques make it possible to recover the outer envelope of the mummy with all its details, from the color to the drawings, in order to obtain a complete virtual replica.

“It is done without contact and it allows us to keep these mummies in their context: we can visualize the jewels, the amulets, without touching it. We even manage to extract these objects without touching the strips”, specifies Benjamin Moreno.

The objective of this kind of analysis is above all to learn more about individuals and to recover key information, as the director of IMA Solutions describes it: “We will collect two types of information, first anthropobiological like the cause and age of death, diseases, fractures, etc. And the second aspect will be more for Egyptologists, with the techniques of embalming and mummification.”

IMA Solutions is currently working with the British Museum in London and the MUCEM in Marseille in order to bring added value to the collections on display and more information for the scientific community.

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