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A great success for the Bludenzer Stockschützen!

(The successful sports team from Bludenz and the organizers Horst, Gerhard and Norbert)
©ESC Bludenz

On January 28th, the ESC Stockschützen played big at the big Stockschützen in Schwarzach St.Veit, Salzburg, and were able to fight for a place on the podium.

Eight teams from the Schwarzach area and a delegation from ESC Bludenz were registered. A special challenge for the Bludenzer Schützen, since this tournament was played according to the Salzburg rules. This year’s tournament was also held on a packed snow base.

By skilfully handling the stock material provided and the game guide (called Hackler) our shooters were able to achieve great success and fight for one of the coveted podium places.

The tournament victory went to the Plattenwerfer sports team, second place was taken by the strength athletes and third place went to ESC Bludenz.

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