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“A heinous act”, “sadness and anger”, “appalling attack”: the political world reacts after the shooting in Paris

A third person died Friday after the shots fired by a man near a Kurdish cultural center in Paris (10th arrondissement), announced the prosecutor of the Republic of Paris, Laure Beccuau, during a press briefing on the premises.

Lhe Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, described Friday as a “heinous act” the shooting which killed three people in Paris, expressing her “thoughts” and her “full support for the victims and their loved ones”.

“Gratitude to the police officers of the police headquarters who arrested the alleged perpetrator” and “to the Paris firefighters engaged”, continued the head of government in a message on Twitter.

Many political figures have also expressed their “astonishment”, “anger” or “sadness” after the tragedy which left at least three dead and three injured in a busy street in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, at a Kurdish cultural center .

“Stupor and emotion after the shooting in the heart of Paris”, tweeted the head of the National Rally deputies Marine Le Pen on Twitter.

“Sadness and anger at the terrorist attack targeting the Kurdish cultural center Amet Kaya in Paris,” said rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also on Twitter. “Almost to the day 10 years ago three Kurdish leaders were murdered in the heart of Paris. That’s enough ! he continued, pleading for the “protection of our Kurdish allies”.

If the national anti-terrorism prosecution and its services went to the scene, there is “no element which would favor the need for their referral”, indicated the Paris prosecutor, Laure Beccuau.

“Terrible attack. The extreme right seems to have struck again. Mortally,” said LFI MP Clémentine Autain, asking: “When will the top of the state take this terrorist threat seriously? “.

“Thoughts for the victims of the terrible shooting in Paris”, tweeted the new boss of the Republicans Eric Ciotti.

“Today, the criminal attacked the Kurds. What happened must wake up each of us to the danger that the extreme right represents. To give legitimacy to racism is to arm the identities, ”commented on Twitter the number one of the PS, Olivier Faure.

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