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“A horde on a motorcycle” spread terror in a sector of Villa Castells

Eight criminals participated in the attack. It was in 494 between 12 and 13/web

The images captured by a security camera in the town of Villa Castells, took the residents back to very ancient times, where it was common for nomadic and savage groups to move using violence towards everything that crossed their path.

On this occasion, on Saturday morning, divided into four motorcycles, eight criminals saw a favorable situation to act.

It was when two young people arrived at a house on 494 street between 12 and 13, shortly before three in the morning.

At that moment, they quickened their pace and headed towards the property, which the victims had just entered.

In these circumstances, while the drivers remained in their positions, those who were accompanying them jumped onto the sidewalk to display an arsenal of intimidating movements and words.

It all lasted a few moments, which was enough to dispossess the young people of some valuable elements.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of accelerating motorcycles cut through the tranquility of the night and marked the end of the attack.

Of its authors, at the close of this edition, there were no traces of their whereabouts.

Although agents from the thirteenth police station and from the DDI La Plata are already working with the film material in search of identifying the members of the gang, this task can take time.

That is why in the neighborhood the sensation of indignation was floating, due to the impunity with which the assailants are handled.

“They do what they want, because they don’t see patrols. Here there is no prevention of crime and, when it is completed, it is much worse, ”said a front member, who preferred to keep his identity confidential.

It is known that the motochorros modality is one of the most complex to combat.

In social networks, the cases abound and it is the victims themselves who warn about the places to avoid due to the lack of police controls, which give free rein for this type of criminal act to take place.

The phenomenon of “motochorros” began to grow in recent years and was initially closely related to bank outflows, although it later expanded its range of objectives.

A key piece of information in this problem is the cost of access to a motorcycle, especially if it is compared with the fleet of cars or trucks.

The values ​​are considerably lower and there is even a lot of movement on the black market or on “loose paper” vehicles. In short, a reality that promotes crime on two wheels.

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