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A new head of the INM is appointed in Chihuahua

Given the vacancy left by Rear Admiral Salvador González Guerrero as delegate of the National Institute of Migration (INM), the Coordination of Representative Offices of the INM appointed Manuel Alfonso Marín as head of the institute in the state of Chihuahua.

On behalf of Commissioner Francisco Garduño, the coordinator of INM Representation Offices, Hector Martinez Castuera, endorsed the possession of Marín Salazar in his new position. Meanwhile, the new delegate of the institute in Chihuahua endorsed his service vocation with a humanistic vision in favor of foreigners who enter, transit and leave national territory.

Likewise, it declared its commitment to the actions and performance of the Federal Migration Agents in Chihuahua in accordance with the respect and protection of the law, as well as the rights of migrants in the context of mobility.

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With a career of more than 10 years within the National Institute of Migration, Manuel Alfonso Marín will replace Salvador González Guerrero who is currently in a judicial process for the death of 39 migrants in the Provisional Stay of Ciudad Juárez.

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