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A partial stoppage will affect the services of two subway lines this Monday

Members of the Union Association of Subway and Premetro Workers (AGTSyP) announced today that next Monday they will carry out a force measure that will paralyze the service of lines B and C of the City of Buenos Aires subway between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. , demanding a “reduction of the weekly working day to obtain two francs per week with the aim of reducing the exposure of workers to multiple unhealthy and harmful factors”.

Through a statement, the union reported that from 1:00 p.m., access to these lines will be released and they will receive the media at the Juan Manuel de Rosas station on line B to detail the scope of the measure of force.

“To the harmful conditions for health inherent in our work environment (disruption of circadian rhythms, microwaves, electromagnetism, mineral and metallic microparticles in suspension, rarefied air and lack of oxygen, among others) is added the presence of the carcinogenic asbestos in the entire network”, they pointed out from the union organization.

In this sense, they indicated that “asbestos is an element prohibited by law, in its sale and commercialization, and that it has fatal consequences for the human body that is exposed to this mineral.”

“From the AGTSyP we have presented a collective amparo demanding the immediate removal of asbestos and all contaminated elements from the subway network, including the B, E and C line trains that contain it, which has been granted and ratified by justice porteña”, they pointed out.

The workers assured that there are already three workers killed by asbestosis and there are more than 80 affected by the carcinogenic mineral.

“This reality affects, and also puts at risk, the millions of users who use underground transport every day. As we have already denounced, a true underground health crisis that the City Government and Emova hide and deny criminally. We continue to demand the reduction of the weekly working day, the immediate disabestization of the entire network and the change of the contaminated fleets”, they remarked.

The workers anticipated that they will continue with the force measures “until they obtain the response that allows them to safeguard” the health of subway employees and users.

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