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A pothole in a street in the El Carmen neighborhood has already “blew out” four candles


The claims for the deterioration of the public highway and the lack of answers awaken the ingenuity of the neighbors who resort to different ways to make themselves heard.

One of those cases was the one that occurred in the El Carmen de Berisso neighborhood, where the frontists denounced that they must deal daily with a well that formed several years ago.

Within this framework, yesterday the neighbors decided to meet on the street to remember that the pothole of 41 and 129 is turning four years old.

By way of irony, and to give visibility to the claim, they decided to improvise a celebration in which there was no shortage of balloons, the happy birthday song, posters and even a cake.

In this way, they sought to have the problem addressed once and for all by the corresponding authorities.

They said that one of the biggest complications is that the well remains covered in water and those who are not from the area do not realize how deep it is.

Over the last few years, dozens of cyclists and motorcyclists have fallen there, and the residents fear that a fatal accident may occur at any moment.

On some occasions they tried to mark it with different materials, but they stressed that this is not the solution and that it must be covered as soon as possible.

In addition, the movement of motorists who must slow down in order to avoid any breakage that could be triggered by the impact of the wheels in the pothole is made difficult.

Despite the fact that the well turned 4 years old, the neighbors remarked that they will not resign themselves to living with that great quagmire that formed on the block. They requested that the Berisso authorities take charge of making a patch to end the problem.

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