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A protest could complicate care at the Cemetery

one of the entrances, yesterday, with flags indicating a conflict / the day

The La Plata Cemetery became a point of conflict due to the demands of the property’s workers, who since yesterday launched a protest that complicated attention.

According to information from that nucleus of personnel, the retention of tasks was applied, with the adhesion of “the majority of the employees”, who raise a battery of claims and threaten a strike for the next week.

The ATE union delegate, Juan Aguirre, told this newspaper that it is a measure of force “due to historical demands that we workers have that have not been met, such as a salary increase for colleagues, a schedule system, a bonus for risk for those who do not perceive it, better working conditions and provision of tools and clothing”.

Aguirre lamented that “lately colleagues have been injured while carrying out their duties and we have not even had gauze or disinfectant to heal them.”

Regarding the day of cessation of activities, he explained that “it was decided at the ATE assembly on Tuesday. It is the second day in a row (yesterday), although it will last until Monday, ”he said. And he added: “We are waiting for an official response, but it has not arrived so far.”

Aguirre affirmed that “if this situation continues, it is likely that in the next assembly, to be held on Monday at ATE, it will be decided to continue with a strike.”

As stated, workers from various areas of the property joined the measure. “There are gravediggers, cleaning people, garbage collection and maintenance.”

According to the leader, “the staff has been reduced a lot. There are three people who do everyone’s job. In other words, the measure is having a strong impact.”

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