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A shower of accusations and a Biden who is once again raising alarm bells in Washington

A shower of accusations and a Biden who is once again raising alarm bells in Washington

Another of the topics addressed is the great discontent of African Americans regarding the policies and promises of the Biden administration and drug abuse and fentanyl smuggling across the southern border.

Trump has repeatedly used the immigration issue to frontally attack the Biden administration.

The moderators asked Biden about his age and he ended up talking about “microchips” and Taiwan, barely answering the question. He then went on to say that the US is now the envy of the world and the strongest country in the world.

Biden loses track of answers

Several of Biden’s answers did not convince at all, in others he said incoherent falsehoods and his extreme weakness was noted. At several moments the President lost the thread of his answers, which confirmed the alarms in Washington.

A few minutes later, the White House sent a statement stating that the President was experiencing a virus, an argument that generated more tension, instead of calming it.

As Senator Marco Rubio said in one of the first reactions, “there is nothing to celebrate when you see the state the President of the United States is in and the whole world is seeing it,” while he added that we saw the capable, forceful and energetic Trump of always with devastating responses to a rival who is too weak and has many problems.

Trump said he took two cognitive tests and “passed them excellently; Biden did neither. Physically I am in top shape. Just look at Joe and draw your conclusions.”

US President Joe Biden gave unclear answers to his Republican rival, Donald Trump, who countered Biden’s criticism with notable energy.

Trump on the offensive

“He caused inflation and it’s killing American families, people are now paying three times as much for food and basic goods. I left him a country with minimal inflation and the millions of immigrants coming across the border are taking American jobs,” Trump said.

“I wish he had been a great president, that I wouldn’t be here facing all the accusations he has planned against me and my family, but unfortunately Biden has led this country into the abyss,” the former Republican president said.

“This man has been the worst president of the United States and caused the worst economic and immigration disaster in the history of the United States,” the former president reiterated.

To refute Trump’s words, Biden lied about the state in which the former president handed over the economy to him. Biden even dared to falsely say that inflation was caused by Trump.

“We’re here right now trying to justify his terrible presidency, this has been the worst president of the United States,” Trump told the moderators.

The speculations

In a counterattack, Biden speculated and pointed out that with a new Trump government, the United States would enter a recession, when the former US president left enviable economic figures in 2020, even after the worst pandemic in the last 100 years in the world.

“You have fired one Joe out of dozens who have allowed our country to be totally destroyed… As we sit here in this debate, our country is falling apart. You are the worst president in history, Joe,” the Republican candidate stressed.

On tax increases, the former White House resident said: “This is the only president who wants to raise taxes, what I want is to reduce taxes. I have always heard that it is politically and economically favorable to reduce taxes.”

Biden said, somewhat loosely, that Trump has never had strong contact with China, when it was quite the opposite. Trump directly confronted Beijing and forced the Asian regime to sign a historic agreement on tariffs, after keeping Xi Jinping under pressure for almost two years until he gave in. He did the same with Iran and other regimes.

“We have made clear progress, if I am re-elected I will not raise taxes on those who earn less than $400,000,” Biden concluded, while repeating that Trump caused inflation. “We will increase credits for child care and we will fight inflation.”

Biden also said that the tens of millions who will vote for Trump will be voting against US democracy.

Ukraine and Israel

When asked about Ukraine, Trump said that Putin’s terms are not acceptable, this is a war that should never have happened. I will solve it before entering the Presidency.

“We have spent $200 billion and all of Europe has only put $100 billion into this conflict.”

“If we had a real president, we wouldn’t be talking about this war. When Putin saw Biden’s incompetence, he took advantage of the opportunity to invade Ukraine. He would never have invaded Ukraine under my government.” And in the case of Afghanistan, it was an embarrassment for the United States.

Meanwhile, the head of the Oval Office justified the aid to kyiv and said that the US has to do so in order to stop Putin’s plans to continue occupying territories.

About Israel Biden said: “So far Hamas has not ended the war. Everyone has approved my plan, but Hamas does not want peace. We will continue to support Israel.”

Trump also said that Hamas would never have dared to attack Israel the way it did if he had been in the White House. He also reaffirmed his support for the Israelis and the need to eliminate Hamas completely.

Seeing a deteriorated Biden, some voices are raised to say that the Democrats would be in an analysis to change Biden as a presidential candidate. But so far, this is only speculative territory.

Regarding Russia, Biden says that Putin will not stop in Ukraine. All that money we are giving is to sell him the weaponsanother of the serious mistakes made by the tenant of the White House.

The abortion

As expected, the topic of the economy kicked off the presidential debate, but both candidates were then led to the topic of abortion.

“Like Reagan, I believe in exceptions and cases of rape and others must be analyzed, but the Democrats are radical on this issue.” Precisely that violence is what this Democratic government has given us. We now have the most dangerous border in the world. And thousands of murderers are killing within our country.”

Biden, for his part, said that there are women who at six months do not know that they are pregnant, there are many rapes and women are the ones who should decide for their bodies, not politicians, referring to the Supreme Court’s decision to give power to each state to decide on the thorny issue.

Campaign statement

Faced with the border disaster and the constant attacks from his rival, Biden was left without convincing answers on the immigration issue and dedicated himself to repeating that he presented a bill that was rejected by the Republicans and that now the entry of illegals has been reduced by 40%, after almost four years of enormous national security chaos with more than 400 terrorists already detected within the US territory. Of that number, dozens remain unaccounted for.

Following the meeting, the Trump campaign issued the following statement: Trump Campaign Statement on President Trump’s Debate Victory.

“Tonight, President Trump delivered the greatest debate performance and victory in history to the largest voting public in history, making clear exactly how he will improve the lives of every American. Time and again, President Trump highlighted meaningful plans common to reduce inflation, lower the costs of groceries, housing and gas, as well as his plans to restore his successful first-term policies that kept our southern border safe and free from Biden’s wave of immigration crimes currently ravaging our country”.

“On the other hand, Joe Biden showed why he deserves to be fired. Despite taking a week-long vacation at Camp David to prepare for the debate, Biden was unable to defend his disastrous record on the economy and the border. Throughout the debate, Biden lied, made up stories, and failed to articulate a single plan to make things less expensive and keep our people safe, choosing instead to change the subject and focus on the past. Even worse, Biden couldn’t explain why he took a week-long vacation at Camp David while 50 ISIS terrorists were on the loose in our country. President Trump is right when he says that if Joe Biden is too incompetent to stand trial, then Biden is too incompetent to be President.”

“Americans are struggling financially to survive. The families of Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray, and all the other victims of Biden’s Immigration Crime are grieving. Our country is on the brink of World War III, due to Joe Biden’s incompetence. But we can turn it all around and bring back the American Dream with the re-election of President Donald J. Trump.”

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP and other sources.

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