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“A succession of betrayals and failures”: Tanguy takes Darmanin back after his remarks against Le Pen

The delegated president of the RN group at the National Assembly deplored “a deplorable attitude” of the minister and recalled that the latter should have “resigned” after the episode of the Stade de France “during which “he lied to the French to very serious way.”

The National Rally strikes back. Invited this Wednesday on the antennas of BFMTV and RMC, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy president of the RN group at the National Assembly, returned to the virulent remarks made by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin on Tuesday, also on our antennae.

He had, among other things, called the National Rally a “lazy party” and considered that Marine Le Pen was “at best a little politician.”


At these attacks, Jean-Philippe Tanguy deplored “a deplorable attitude” of the Minister of the Interior who “was there to pay for Marine Le Pen, he was boiling, he was jumping on his seat”, also accusing him of doing ” gutter policy.”

Then, the deputy of the Somme also returned to the personal and political journey of Gérald Darmanin, believing that it was “a succession of betrayals and failures.”

“Betrayal of his political mentor, Mr. Vanneste, who I remind you was dismissed from political life for having relativized the deportation of homosexuals during the Second World War, that did not bother Darmanin.”

“Then he betrayed the UMP. He was supposedly from the right wing of the UMP, but that did not prevent him from joining Emmanuel Macron after having said the greatest evil about it” he explains. .

“He should have resigned”

As a final attack on the minister, Jean-Philippe Tanguy also returned to the serious incidents which marred the Champions League final last year which was held at the Stade de France. “We are not in the state lie,” he said.

“I remind you that Mr. Darmanin should not even be a minister since during the legislative elections, he lied to the French in a very serious way about what had happened at the Stade de France”, attacks Tanguy.

“He lied, it was documented,” he adds again, stressing that the minister “should have resigned” after this episode.

“Public decency has largely left the ranks of Macronie for a long time. It is the only democracy in Europe that would have allowed the minister to lie to voters in the middle of an election period. The French sanctioned him, Darmanin allowed many deputies RN to be elected”, he ends, ironically.

In parallel, on the antenna of Europe 1, Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the RN, qualified the exit of Gérald Darmanin of “misogynist”.

“This is not the first time that he has been caught in the act of a rather crass misogyny. May he go to the presidential election one day, twice in the second round. He is the incarnation of inaptocracy , the least able to govern elected by the least able to produce.”

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