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A superbaby of more than 7 kilos was born and broke a record in Brazil

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 | 10:44 a.m.

The superbaby is called Angerson, weighs 7,328 kilos and measures 59 centimeters. (Photo: O’Globo)

The superbaby is called Angerson, weighs 7,328 kilos and measures 59 centimeters. (Photo: O’Globo)

Angerson dos Santos measured almost 60 centimeters and came into the world with more than seven kilos. He was born on January 18, 2023 at the Padre Colombo de Parintins Hospital, in Brazil, and is the largest baby born in the municipality of Amazonas, a size that is surprising for such an age.

Cleidiane Santos dos Santos, 27, went to the Padre Colombo de Parintins Hospital for a routine obstetric consultation while pregnant. At that point, the doctors realized that the pregnancy could not go to term: the baby was too big.

(Photo: O’Globo)

“The baby is receiving intensive care from the neonatology team, which is in charge of his care. We only have joy, satisfaction and gratitude for everything that went well in this case, ”she declared.

Angerson requires extreme care in neonatology

“We are happy, satisfied and grateful that everything went well, in this risky situation, a rare situation that also ended up surprising us, because we imagined a baby that weighed around six kilos, according to the ultrasound, but it still exceeded that expectation” said obstetrician Artemisia Pessoa.

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