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A traffic policeman stole the purse of a man involved in an accident

A police officer from Drobeta Turnu Severin is suspected of stealing a man’s purse, which contained 9,000 lei, 100 dollars and 100 euros. The victim was involved in a road accident and called the Police, and the first officer who got there found the purse on the road and put it in the Police car, with which he left, without handing the purse over to his colleagues.

Police carPhoto: Adrian Ilincescu/

A man notified the Police, on October 3, that his purse with money was stolen, he thought, from the parked and uninsured car.

“On October 3 this year, the Police of Drobeta-Turnu Severin municipality was notified by a 25-year-old man about the fact that, on the same day, around 5:20 p.m., unknown persons allegedly stole a purse from his car, in which there were 9,000 lei, 100 dollars, 100 euros, the driver’s license, the identity card and other personal documents, a vehicle that was parked and unsecured, on Calea Severinului street, near the intersection with the bypass of Drobeta Turnu municipality Severin, Mehedinţi county. The operative team set up at the level of the Criminal Investigations Bureau went to the scene, in order to carry out checks, and a criminal file was drawn up under the aspect of committing the crime of theft, an act provided for and punished by art. 228 of the Penal Code”, IPJ Mehedinţi transmitted, on Friday, in a press release.

Following the investigations, the police found the suspect of theft, being a policeman.

“Later, following the investigations, the police identified the person suspected of stealing the goods, in the person of a 53-year-old man from Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinţi county. The checks revealed that the man suspected of committing the act is a police officer in the Road Bureau of the Drobeta Turnu Severin municipality, being assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1993,” the release states.

The policeman found the purse with money on the road and took it to the special Police vehicle that arrived at the accident area, but did not hand it over to his colleagues.

“The policeman had been asked to move to the bypass of the municipality, where the appellant reported that he had been involved in a road accident, possibly resulting in casualties. At the scene, the police officer would have picked up a purse from the roadway that he had inserted into the police car, and, later, after the event was taken over by the Road Service, the competent structure for conducting the investigation on the spot, the police officer in question left the place of the event, without handing over the property to colleagues who continued the procedural activities”, states IPJ Mehedinţi.

IPJ Mehedinţi said that he refrains from such behavior and that the policeman who stole the purse was fired.

“The Mehedinţi County Police Inspectorate firmly disassociates itself from any activity that is not in accordance with the law. Regardless of the quality of the person who violates the legal provisions, all the measures provided by law will be taken. We support all activities specific to criminal procedures and we want the operation of the institution only with honest and professional police officers, and every time we will clean up our own system. At the same time, on October 4 this year, the policeman’s service reports were terminated”, IPJ Mehedinţi also transmitted.

The file was declined in favor of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Drobeta-Turnu Severin Court. (

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