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A typical family needed more than $150,000 to not be poor

The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) reported that the total basic basket (CBT) increased 4.5% in Decemberso a family of two adults and two minors he needed $152,515 to not be poor. According to official data, the basic food basket (CBA), which establishes the line of indigence, marked that that household required $67,187 to cover their basic needs to survive.

According to official data, the CBT (includes food and other basic goods and services such as housing) amounted to $49,358 per person in the last month of the year, while the line of indigence (includes essential food coverage) was located in $21,743. Thus, during the past year, the cost of CBA raised 103.8%while that of the CTB rose 100.3%.

According to INDEC figures, the monthly variation of the CBA was 5% in December compared to November and the CBT basket was 4.5%. Both variations were below the inflation, which in December was 5.1%.

Regarding the family income necessary to exceed the poverty line in December, INDEC detailed:

  • A person needed $49,358 to avoid falling into poverty

  • A household of three people – made up of a 35-year-old woman, her 18-year-old son and her 61-year-old mother – required $121,420 in December to not be poor

  • A family of four members -consisting of a 35-year-old man, a 31-year-old woman, a 6-year-old son and an 8-year-old daughter-, needed a minimum income of $152,515

  • For a household made up of five people -a 30-year-old couple and three children aged 5, 3 and 1- a sum of $160,413 was required.

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