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A UNLP graduate died after falling into the void while climbing a mountain at 5,700 meters

Lucas Raimundo Bustos died during an expedition in the Sierra de Cachi, the highest mountain in the Calchaquíes valleys region with 6,300 meters at its highest peak located in the province of Salta. There, under circumstances that are still being investigated by the criminal prosecutor 2 of the Serious Attacks against Persons Unit on duty, Verónica Simesen de Bielke, Bustos fell from a great height and died instantly.

The 42-year-old man was the current mayor of Los Cardones National Park located just over 120 kilometers away from the capital of Salta with the same name. Lucas was a native of Lobos, Buenos Aires province, but decided to leave his hometown for different job and study opportunities.

Lucas Raimundo Bustos was born in Lobos, Buenos Aires province, but by trade he had left that Buenos Aires city. He obtained a degree in Biology at the National University of La Plata and completed a PhD at the National University of Córdoba.

It was not until 2016 that he joined as a biodiversity conservation analyst in National Parks where he was appointed to work in Los Cardones National Park. Five years later, in March 2021, he became chief or mayor of that reserve and his appointment appeared in the Official Gazette.

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