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A war in peace

A war in peace

If it were not for the sum of those killed and mutilated in combat, for those displaced, persecuted and prisoners hot or cold, for the bombings against hospitals, schools, temples and unarmed civilians, including children, women and the elderly, the chronicler would consider war as the best tool to settle claims between neighboring and non-neighboring nations.

What nonsense! -more than one will answer me- War is not war if such atrocities are not perpetrated!

I believe, however, that if some International Convention is imposed – but that it be followed, because with the existing international pacts, Humanity has been cleaning its private parts throughout History – that regulates weapons in such a class. of conflicts, we would save ourselves misfortunes.

A war, for example, whose projectiles are limited to the insults exchanged between the belligerent parties. The word continues to be a throwing, effective, devastating weapon, with the advantages of being odorless and, by itself, without bloodshed.

– You, little black sons of the great p… “Perfidious Albion” – in the verbal shootouts racist invectives and even invocations of the antecedents of the respective parents would be allowed – give me back the territory of which the nineteenth-century colonial system stripped us…

– You will be more nineteenth-century, Mr. Commander in Chief of the invading forces, who stampeded on the afternoon of the assassination drone, worse than those little rodents that we do not mention by their names and surnames, because the “International Convention for the Protection of Rats” prohibits us from doing so. and other Creeping Fauna.”

Who would be winners and who would be losers in verbal shootouts like these? Such a war would be peace. It would be better to talk about winners-losers and losers-winners. And worth the apparent oxymoron.

Nothing more toxic than a victorious generalote. It is known that such specimens, when they return from a battlefield loaded with laurels, medals, promotions in rank – not always deserved -, consider themselves to be saviors of the country, and from there to the sudden death of any hint of democracy there is only one step. The following reflections are from Voltaire: “I don’t like heroes, they make too much noise. Furthermore, the brighter they are, the less bearable.”. Consequently, potential belligerents, if they want to preserve a shred of credible elections, freedom, culture, and civility, would do better to avoid the production of these so-called heroes.

As for those who consider themselves defeated, there is no need to be very divining. Government that capitulates in any war, falls ipso facto under its own weight. Get out of a narcotyranny, corrupt, inept, sepoy, poorly entertained, predatory of the environment, violator of human rights, presided over by a gang of lazy people pathologically clinging to Power, in exchange for sacrificing a territory of 160 square kilometers?

The cost-benefit ratio is still tempting, no matter how much oil is involved. Although, personally, this chronicler flatly refuses to lose even a millimeter in a peak-peak match.


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