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A young man rapes and impales a woman in France: the medical personnel who treated her needed psychological help

A young man rapes and impales a woman in France: the medical personnel who treated her needed psychological help

Last Friday, an 18-year-old named Oumar N. entered the home of a 29-year-old woman in cherbourg, raped her and impaled her with a broom with such brutality that she is in an induced coma in hospital and is feared for her life. The attacker was arrested that same Friday and accused of “rape accompanied by torture or barbaric acts” by the extreme violence with which he attacked her: he hit her face and body, raped her, and then impaled her with a broomstick from her vagina to her chest.

The attacker, according to French media, was already known to the Police and had history for sexual offenses, but that did not prevent him from committing the savage attack and later, leaving his victim for dead, leaving the place to his mother’s house, where he was arrested. According to the first investigations, a fingerprint at the scene of the attack and the location of his mobile incriminated him and, although he initially denied his participation in the crime, ended up confessing.

The young woman, naked and in a state of shock, was able to call the police and was taken to the nearest hospital. The victim stated that she, although she did not know her attacker, “I’ve seen him before”. Upon arriving at the Pasteur hospital, close to the scene of the attack, she was put into an artificial coma given the severity of her injuries and she was immediately taken to the operating room for an intervention that lasted hours. The rape with a broomstick caused him perforations in the colon, small intestine, peritoneum, diaphragm, and rib cage, as well as several broken ribs.

The medical personnel who treated the victim needed psychological attention after the operation, given the seriousness of her injuries and the brutality with which she had been attacked.

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