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A young woman denounced that she was harassed in Ensenada: “I’m telling it so it doesn’t happen to another”

I was coming out of doing exercises in 44 between 122 and 123 and I ran into a degenerate, he saw me leave the gym and he waited for me around the corner hiding in a bush and from there he started calling me”. The one speaking is a young woman from Ensenada who was the victim of harassment on public roads and decided to tell about the situation she suffered to “don’t happen to another girl”.

In the publication, the girl highlighted that luckily there were people in the area and that, in the midst of nerves and despair, she continued with her journey even though the man was chasing her. At that time, she met a neighbor with whom she stayed talking.

“I said that this woman was right at his door, I told him and we stayed there waiting to see what he would do and the guy stayed in the middle of the street pretending to adjust a shoe to see if I kept walking alone. When it happened he kept calling me short“Remarked Belén with a lot of anger.

Regarding the characteristics of the subject in question, the young woman explained that she would be approximately between 35 and 40 years old. “He is skinny and dark-haired, has short hair and was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit, long black pants and a black backpack as well.“, he remarked.

The publication was shared hundreds of times and received a large number of comments from women who assured that this subject was seen hanging around the El Dique area.

In this context, a friend of the victim contacted and revealed that they approached the Ensenada Third Police Station but did not take the complaint.

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