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A youtuber who traveled in the Titanic submarine narrates his experience: “The risk was worth it”

Mireya Marrón

The case that has the world in suspense has aroused much interest in knowing what exactly did the OceanGate expedition consist of in which the businessman and explorer had embarked british billionaire Hamish Harding and a Pakistani businessman with his son, two of the 5 identified passengers.

Plunge 4,000 meters into the depths of the ocean to see them remains of the sunken ocean liner in 1912 that were found in 1985 is a exclusive tourism, only suitable for the rich, which very few people have done.

YouTuber Alan Estrada narrates his experience on the Titan

One of them is the Youtuber and Mexican actor Alan Estrada, that did it two years ago and has now recounted his experience:

“All of us who made that expedition were fully aware of the risks we were running,” account Estrada, known for his travel channel Allan for the world, in statements he collects BBC.

they made them sign a document before boarding, in which he was responsible for the dangers that it involved taking a trip on an experimental ship, including death, but then it seemed to him like when you take a plane, that you know there is a risk but you think that it can never happen to you, and that if it did happen, it would be something quick and painless. “I never felt unsafe. I knew that if something happened, if there was a fault in those depths and the submersible imploded, we probably wouldn’t even notice it.” Explain. “It sounds like a cliché, but life is a risk”, Add.

OceanGate has three submersibleshowever, only one – the ‘Titan’, the one that has disappeared – is that it reaches deeper and with which you can reach see the remains of the Titanic.

From the first bumpy ride to a “spectacular” experience

Estrada joined the Titan expedition in July 2021along with three other passengers, and the pilot Stockton Rush, president of the Ocean Gate company, after getting sponsors from his channel to finance the 125,000 euros that it cost then (now it has amounted to 250,000). Was a failed first tripsince due to technical problems they had to return to the surface before being able to see the remains of the Titanic.

They disseminate unpublished images of the Titanic, 25 years after the premiere of the film

A year later, Estrada set sail with another crew and passengers, this time successfully. “In the end, for those of us who did it, it was worth the risk to see this majestic sinking.” remember.

considers it a “spectacular” experience feeling unique to be able to experience something like this. “Knowing that so few people have been at those depths, in front of that shipwreck, being the most famous on the planet, is something very special. Having in front of you an image that you have seen so many times in documentaries and movies is very impressive”dice.

What is it like to be inside the submersible?

Estrada tells at first it feels as if “you were being launched in a rocket”, but the trip itself “is not very special, you just feel some claustrophobia being in a capsule” in which there is hardly any room to move, with a length of 2.8 meters wide by 2.5 meters high and 6.7 meters deep.

The trip is designed to last eight hours, although it has oxygen for four days (96 hours)what in the case of the missing Titan, they are fulfilled this Thursday.

The trip is divided into two hours to descend 4,000 metersuntil four hours in the deep of the ocean to first find the Titanic and then explore it, and two hours to get out.

It is controlled with a controller similar to that of video games

Passengers are allowed the experience of pilot the submersible themselves, something that is done with a device similar to a wireless video game controller

“There is only option to go back, forward, up and down, and you can turn. It is very easy to handle. What is complex are the communication and navigation systems to be able to reach the remains of the Titanic in that darkness”, he says.

The YouTuber explains that the submersible cannot be opened from the inside; only by specialized equipment from abroad. That is why the victims of the missing Titan “They can’t do anything, just wait to be rescued and try to recover communication”, who missed Sunday morning, or give “blows” to be heard, how could they be doing, since the Coast Guard in the area has confirmed these noises with intervals of 30 minutes.

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