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Abalde, Pradilla and Saiz, Scariolo’s discards for the World Cup

Abalde, Pradilla and Saiz, Scariolo's discards for the World Cup

ANDhe Spanish coach, Sergio Scariolo, ruled out this Sunday for the final squad of twelve for the World Cup in the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan. Alberto Abalde, Sebas Saiz and Jaime Pradillawhile until this Sunday it will not be known if the headdress will be in the expedition Alberto Diaz or whether to occupy his place Jaime Fernndez.

Scariolo advanced that this Sunday the malagueo will be submitted Alberto Díaz to some medical tests to find out the state of his knee, in which he suffers hyperextension, and that the result of these tests will depend on whether he is part of the final summons or not.

If the Unicaja point guard is finally ruled out due to injury, his place on the list will be taken by Jaime Fernndez, that in the match against the Dominican Republic he played several minutes of base.

It has been an interesting game against an opponent that has shown to be a physical team. We have been able to match his physical strength and it has allowed us to compete well,” Scariolo said of the clash.

There were moments of softness and lack of intensity that we have to eliminate“added the Spanish coach

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