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Abandoned this per return? A mysterious update arrives

When I see fatto infuriate i fan with a series of inconclusive announcements, abandoned It is back to far talk I know about some suspicious movements on the official site, which are static intercepted dagli utenti that continue to monitor it constantly.

Standing alle recenti segnalazioni, Blue Box Game Studios It has modified very little the official portal with a message that Segnala i Lavori in Corso for a site update, which is also added a taste for iscriversi alla newsletter and restare informati his eventuali novità riguardanti il ​​progetto. Also the Instagram account of the software house capitanata da hasan kahraman è stato ritoccato e now riporta la dicitura ‘Updates coming soon’. Che stiano davvero per arrivare aggiornamenti sullo state dei lavori? Probably if it deals with a mossa similar to the one from the recent restyling of the page on the PlayStation Store, I can’t exclude that the team is there to return to it with new material to show its mysterious project.

In attesa di scoprire come andrà a finire, vi ricordiamo che por longo tempo gli utenti haveno creduto che dietro Abandoned ci fosse Hideo Kojima, a theory that has created non-pochi problemi to the creator of Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding.

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