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Abbott reviews now worry

Added to the problems in the Customs systems for imports and exports of merchandise, is the concern of carriers about the reactivation of exhaustive reviews by the Department of Public Safety in Texas.

The governor of that state, Greg Abbott, reactivated in Reynosa the exhaustive inspections of cargo trucks that cross the border, for which Manuel Sotelo, president of the Association of Carriers in Ciudad Juárez, stated that here they are waiting for that the same could happen.

“The risk is latent with that decision by the governor of Texas, in the end he is the one who decides if it will also happen here in El Paso, but we are waiting for how he wants to affect the economy of Mexico and the United States,” he said.

He added that due to the revisions in Reynosa, nearby international bridges have been used to avoid long waiting times, the same measure that was adopted in Juárez, when the merchandise was moved through New Mexico.

“What the carriers from there are doing is going over the other bridges so as not to affect the economy,” he said.

This is due to Governor Greg Abbott’s opposition to President Joe Biden’s policy to end Title 42, which will cause an increase in the flow of migrants. This time the crucial date is May 11.

He said that in Juárez, the exhaustive reviews ended on April 17, when exports resumed at the ‘Libre’ Bridge.

Regarding the failures in Customs, the leader of the carriers in Ciudad Juárez, said that the problems in exports that arose since Friday, were resolved yesterday, so that all the loads managed to cross.

“It seems that all the pending loads that were left over the weekend have already left,” he said.

However, import failures continued on Monday, related to problems at US customs, which complicated the movement of goods across the border.

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