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Abortion pills: supply tensions “being resolved” in Lille and the Paris region

Associations point to the supply tensions in the Paris region and in Lille, which is experiencing a drug necessary to carry out a medical abortion. The ANSM assures that these tensions are “in the process of being resolved”.

What’s going on with abortion pills in France? In a communiqué published on April 13 on its site, the Observatory of Transparency in Medicines Policies affirmed that “shortages and shortages” of abortion pills were observed in the field by associations, doctors and midwives. In question, misoprostol, one of the two drugs to take when resorting to voluntary termination of pregnancy with medication.

The association which promotes transparency in the pharmaceutical sector particularly alerted in a tweet of April 14 on pharmacies in Lille and “different places in the Paris region”.

Family Planning shares this observation. In Lille, currently, “there is no smooth access” to this drug, while “we cannot tell a woman, ‘come back in a fortnight’, that is not possible”, said said Tuesday to BFM Lille Véronique Sehier, member of the board of directors of the Family planning of the city.

In a tweet published on Tuesday, the League for Human Rights was alarmed “by the shortage of abortion pills which constitutes an obstacle to access to abortion, a fundamental right which must be secure, free and universal”. . In 2021, 76% of abortions performed were medical, according to a study by DREESthe direction of studies of the Ministry of Health, published in September 2022.

Nordic Pharma manufacturing delays

Where does this situation come from? The National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) explains to that it was informed by the Nordic Pharma laboratory at the end of 2022 of “manufacturing delays” for its drug used for Gymiso abortions. Nordic Pharma is the company that markets the two misoprostol-based drugs authorized in medical abortions in France.

“This delay led to a disruption of the coverage of Gymiso needs, estimated at 20%, which led to a postponement of use of Misoone”, the second misoprostol-based drug used for medical abortions. In the case of Misoone, “a delay in the supply of raw material” is “added” to the increase in demand, aggravating the supply tension, develops the establishment dependent on the Ministry of Health.

Too concentrated production?

For the Observatory of transparency in drug policies, this situation clearly shows the problem of “monopolies conferred by patents”. They allow their holders “to concentrate the production of pills in a very limited number of sites, which the opacity surrounding the pharmaceutical chain makes it difficult to assess precisely”, according to the Observatory.

The association also points out, in a communiqué published on Tuesday, the fact that already in May 2020, a note of the High Council for Equality mentioned the fact that “the production of drugs used for medical abortions is in the hands of a single producer, the Nordic Pharma group, with risks of production and supply disruptions and pressure on prices”.

Tensions “in the process of being resolved”, according to the ANSM

The ANSM affirms that measures were taken as soon as supply difficulties were brought to light. She cites, for example, a “quota” set up “to better manage the stocks of Gymiso and Misoone available” and the rapid ban on the export of these drugs by wholesalers.

“These tensions are being resolved with the distribution of several tens of thousands of boxes of Gymiso last week and Misoone from this week”, explains the ANSM. She adds that to “consolidate” supplies, an import of “the Italian Misoone specialty is also underway”.

The Observatory of transparency in drug policies deplores for its part a lack of information on “the modalities of this quota, on the state of stocks and their evolution”. He also denounces the lack of response for several weeks from the administrations concerned by this file (ANSM, Regional Health Agencies, General Directorate of Health, General Directorate of the Organization of Care).

On Monday, the PS vice-president of the Senate, Laurence Rossignol, declared having “seized” the Minister of Health, François Braun, on the question. In her letter posted on Twitter, she asks him: “What solutions do you intend to implement to guarantee women the freedom to choose their method of contraception, as guaranteed by the public health code?” The minister has not yet publicly reacted.

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