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About 45,000 animals died in the train derailment in Ohio

The Department of Natural Resources Ohio It said at least 45,000 animals died after a train carrying toxic material derailed outside the town of East Palestine in early February. This figure is an update from the previous number, which indicated that it was only 3,500.

Several fish died from the accident in East Palestine.

According to the department of the government of the North American state, the investigation was carried out in a radius of 8 kilometers around the accident, although they indicated that it was entirely about aquatic creatures, and that there is no information that mammals have been affected. for this accident. The clash occurred on February 3 outside the town of East Palestine, near the border between Ohio and Pennsylvania.

As it became known, none of these creatures were endangered species and they indicated that little by little some live fish began to be seen in the bodies of water investigated. “Because the chemicals were contained, there are no further signs that aquatic life is suffering further,” said Mary Metz.the director of this department of Ohio who conducted the research.

According to the authorities, the accident occurred because the bearing of one wheel overheated.

During Thursday the US National Transportation Safety Board stated that the accident the town located in the american heartland had occurred after a wheel bearing overheated 122 degrees above normal temperaturecausing the vehicle to crash and spill the hazardous chemicals into the area.

Trump’s visit to East Palestine

This Wednesday, former US President Donald Trump visited the town of Ohio along with a senator from his party who was very close to him named JD Vance. Although his figure is one of the most criticized in the town for the guilt they gave to his presidency, he was with some of the citizens and even brought several bottles of water with his name, in the middle of a campaign that the politician has already It started ahead of the 2024 presidential elections.

Donald Trump visited the neighbors of East Palestine.

According to several specialists, the idea behind this movement is to create a contrast against the current president, who, more than 20 days after the accident occurred, has not yet traveled to the region, nor has he sent the secretary of transportation.

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