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Above all, three points should save Habeck’s heating plan

The dispute over Robert Habeck’s planned heating hammer has been raging in the traffic light government for weeks. A crisis meeting between representatives of the SPD, Greens and FDP took place yesterday, Wednesday. Again ”
“ reports that there were rapprochements on crucial issues.

In particular, three points should save Habeck’s heating plan

  1. According to the report, heating systems that run on biomethane or green hydrogen should also be installed in new buildings. That was a core demand of the FDP.
  2. The additional costs generated by the heat pumps, which are more expensive than gas heating, are to be absorbed by the state. Habeck had already promised that in advance. According to the report, a scrapping premium for old boilers is under discussion.
  3. The modernization levy is also to be reduced. In the future, landlords should be able to pass on less than the currently applicable eight percent of modernization costs via the rent, reports the “Spiegel”.

According to the plans of the Economics and Building Ministries, 65 percent of newly installed heating systems are to be operated with renewable energies from 2024. De facto, oil and gas heating systems can no longer be installed. The proposed legislation sparked a heated argument within the traffic light government.

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