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AC Milan: the detail that blocks the extension of Bennacer

Ismael Bennacer is expected to extend his contract with AC Milan soon. Only, it remains in small detail for the Algerian international midfielder to return until 2027.

Arrived at AC Milan in the summer of 2019, Ismael Bennacer has managed to establish himself as an essential element within the formation of the Rossoneri. He’s on an impressive upward curve from season to season. It is quite logical that club officials want to arm him at all costs. This would be the best way to block the way to courtiers, among others Liverpool, Arsenal or FC Barcelona.

After several rounds of negotiations, the soap opera of the extension of the player’s contract should soon know its epilogue. Indeed, it is about to re-emerge. According to several Italian media, his new agent, Enzo Raiola, has almost everything concluded with Milan officials for the international midfielder to sign a new lease until 2027. Only there is still a small detail to be settled.

What is the “small” detail that blocks the extension of Bennacer?

This small detail is obviously the release clause that Ismael Bennacer has in his contract. Still according to the Italian media, the management of AC Milan has proposed that this release clause, is estimated at 50 million Euros, be maintained in the new contract. Only, it will not be applicable during the summer transfer window 2023, but rather during the next transfer periods which follow it, report the Italian media.

Also, the release clause does not apply to Italian clubs, adds the same source. It is therefore on this detail that the negotiations have not yet been successful. The Milan management and the player’s agent should meet again to settle it.

Note that Bennacer’s salary will indeed be increased. By signing a new contract until 2027, he will receive an annual salary of 4 million Euros plus bonus.

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