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Accident in Witten: Crashed into an ambulance – the police found a liquor bottle

Three men were injured in a serious accident on Christmas Eve. An apparently drunk crashed into an ambulance.

A probably drunk Wittener (37) is late christmas eve with his car into a Bochumer Emergency raced. In the accident at around 11:37 p.m. on the Crengeldanzstrasse three people were injured.

According to the first findings of the police, the man drove behind one Column of ambulances and ambulances. When the emergency vehicles of the Bochum fire brigade slowed down at a red traffic light, the man from Witten crashed into the rear ambulance – which, however, was only occupied by the driver, since the ambulance was sitting in the front of the ambulance.

Accident with an ambulance in Witten – three injured

The driver of the accident, his passenger (46) and the driver of the ambulance vehicle were injured by the strong impact slightly injured. All three came in hospital. Both cars were no longer drivable and were towed away. The police estimate the damage at almost 40,000 euros. Crengeldanzstrasse was open until 2 a.m. while the accident was being recorded blocked.

Police found one while investigating the accident liquor bottle in the accident car. The result of blood sample but still pending, they say.

More articles from this category can be found here: Witten

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