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Accident stops Stockholm’s city rental bikes

– We don’t know much, but there must have been some problem with the frame, she says.

How long will the bikes be out of service?

– We don’t yet know how long it may take and how big the problem is, I received an email about it early this morning.

Beset by problems

The city of Stockholm’s investment in electric rental bicycles has been surrounded by major problems in the past. At first, it was about appeals for procurements, and once the bikes were in place, they were initially too few. Then it turned out that the batteries can catch fire, and in April Stockholms chose to demand a fine from the supplier.

How the city will proceed after the latest incident is still unclear, according to Malinda Flodman.

– What this will lead to in the long run, we don’t know yet. The problems that have been in the past are no secret, and there are still not enough bikes in the system. Either we keep trying because we want a functioning bicycle system, or we have to terminate the system if we judge that the problems are too great, she says.

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