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Accident with four deaths in Collado Villalba: Polina’s deadly mistake when leaving the curve after the party

A small oversight, perhaps two seconds, allegedly led Polina Biserova, not quite 26 years old, to lose control of her little toyota aygo (a car barely 3.7 meters long by 1.75 meters wide) in black just a few minutes after leaving the Collado Villalba festivities. With her she took the lives of her sister L. de ella, barely 15 years old, and two of her friends, 13 and 16.

The first data handled by the Madrid Traffic Civil Guard do not point to excessive speed; but rather a small inattention that took, so prematurely, these four innocent lives.

It was 5:50 in the morning. Sources of the case indicate to ABC that the four minors had attended the Villalba fair that day, which was held this weekend; Since they were still small, the idea was for them to spend the night at the house of a friend who lives in that municipality, since the deceased are all from Moralzarzal, just 6 kilometers and 9 minutes away under normal conditions. One of the points being investigated is whether Polina had also spent the night partying. The analysis carried out in the laboratories of the collected blood samples will clarify whether she had consumed any type of substance or alcohol, as is done by default in this type of accident.

The truth is that he picked up his sister, but on the way he also took the other two friends, residents of his town. They got into the tiny car and they all put on their seatbelts, sources in the case explain.

The section where the terrible accident occurred, kilometer point 38 of the M-608, which connects both municipalities. It is a part with several curves, not excessively sharp, but with a fairly narrow shoulder: “They are not problematic turns or black spots, although there have been several accidents there, but we suspect that he may have gotten confused, got too far on the shoulder and perhaps, with the rear wheels, catch some gravel and skid“, indicate a source in the case, something that other informants corroborate. In addition, the braking track is very short and very close to the exact point where the fatal collision occurred.

A tombstone dedicated to another deceased at the point of today’s accident in Collado Villalba


This last detail, according to the researchers, would pave the way for the thesis of momentary oversight. Polina barely had time to step on the brake. He gave, yes, some quick swerves, like strange maneuvers, before ending up colliding frontally into a Seat Arona that came precisely from Moralzarzal, in the opposite lane and with a continuous line in the middle, which prevents overtaking. In principle, it is not believed that the Toyota committed an excess of speed.

The driver of the SUV against which they collided is Ana G., a 30-year-old civil guard, from the 125th Promotion, who was preparing to go to work at the Collado Villalba post. She works there in Citizen Security. She had left Moralzarzal at about 5:30 in the morning and was to join her post at 6, on the morning shift. Her agent, after 6:20 a.m., had not appeared at the barracks, so her colleagues called her on her phone. She didn’t answer. So, they phoned her home, where she lives with her mother, who explained that her daughter had gone out to work as usual. They did not know that she was the person who had been involuntarily involved in the tragedy that had occurred just a few kilometers before. Ana’s mother had to receive psychological assistance from Summa-112 specialists. The civil guard is admitted in serious condition, with fractures, mainly in the legs and in the lower back, although she does not fear for her life.

killed on the spot

As for the fatalities, the four had to be released from tourism, as they were trapped. The Firefighters of the Community of Madrid participated in these tasks, but finally the Summa toilets could only certify the deaths, reports Emergencies 112. They died practically on the spot.

The identification of 100% of the minors was more laborious than normal, as they did not all have family ties to each other. Numerous relatives and friends, many of them very young, gathered in the early afternoon to mourn them and pay homage to them in the town. The mayor of Moralzarzal, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Osuna, has decreed three days of official mourning for the four neighboring victims of the traffic accident. “It is a tragedy for which there are no words of comfort and that has dismayed all the residents of the municipality,” said the Consistory, while wishing the injured civil guard a “speedy recovery”.

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