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According to Elon Musk, Artificial Intelligence should quickly become a real threat to our societies

After the euphoria generated by Chat GPT, reality and doubts appear. Elon Musk believes that artificial intelligence and its accelerated evolution should quickly become a threat to our societies. As a reminder, the American billionaire is the co-founder of OpenAI, the company that designed ChatGPT.

Each technical or technological evolution also brings its share of uncertainties. The opportunities offered by ChatGPT are immense. More broadly, artificial intelligence could, in the coming years, revolutionize our way of working, treating ourselves, settling conflicts between citizens, or educating ourselves. For some, these high-speed developments are frightening. Elon Musk, yet accustomed to big changes, recently expressed his worry about the possibilities offered by AI.

Elon Musk © Pixabay

For the American billionaire, “AI is one of the greatest risks to the future of civilization.” If the opportunities are real, for the current owner of Twitterso are the risks. “It is both positive and negative (…) a very great promise, a great capacity (…) which comes with great danger”. While attending a global conference in Dubai, Musk also stressed that in his view, artificial intelligence poses a greater danger to our societies than medicine, or road safety.

To read : Our TOP 3 ChatGPT features that will save you a lot of time at work

Has Elon Musk changed his mind about AI?

These positions seem quite contradictory with the past of the American businessman. Indeed, Musk is for example one of the two co-founders of OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT. It is also he who revolutionized, in a way, the automobile by integrating into his Tesla cars an ever greater degree of autonomy, boosted with artificial intelligence.

However, a few years ago, Musk had already hinted at his doubts about AI. Indeed, according to him much greater regulation must accompany the development of these technologies given that the possibilities related to these are almost infinite. In the coming months and years, we will already know if Elon Musk was today too cautious or not. One thing is certain. The revolution is well under way and AI risks changing the organization of our society forever.

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