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According to the Danish military: Russian ship apparently was near the scene of the crime shortly before the Nord Stream explosion

According to the Danish military, a few days before the Nord Stream explosions in the Baltic Sea, a Russian special ship was in the vicinity of the detonation sites. The Danish defense command confirmed to the newspaper “Information” that a patrol ship took 26 pictures of the “SS-750” on September 22, 2022 east of the island of Bornholm.

Four days later there were several explosions on the pipelines near Bornholm. The authorities assume sabotage. It is unclear who is responsible for this. Investigations are underway in Germany, Denmark and Sweden.

In mid-April, “Information” reported that the Danish patrol boat “P524 Nymfen” took a total of 112 photos of Russian ships near the lines on September 22. At the end of March, “t-online” reported, citing information from security circles and publicly available data, that Russian military ships were believed to have operated at the crime scenes a few days before the attacks on the pipelines – including the “SS-750”.

The “SS-750” features a mini-submarine with grabbers. It was designed specifically for underwater operations, said the Swedish researcher and intelligence expert Joakim von Braun to “Information”. Another expert, Oliver Alexander, was quoted in the report released Thursday evening as saying the ship could theoretically have been in the area for other reasons. “But the timing, to be in this place at this point in time, that’s special,” he said. (dpa)

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