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Accused of corruption, Scapolan was dismissed

He was also disabled from accessing public / web positions

The Jury for the Prosecution of Officials and Magistrates of the province of Buenos Aires resolved yesterday to remove from his position the already suspended federal prosecutor of San Isidro Claudio Scapolan, who is accused of being the head of an illicit association made up of police officers and lawyers that stole drugs kidnapped from drug traffickers to later sell it.

In a majority ruling, the jury also ordered Scapolan, present at the hearing in which the verdict was announced, to be disqualified from holding public office again and to pay the costs of the process.

The reading began around 5:20 p.m. in the Annex of the Buenos Aires Senate, in the city of La Plata, and it was decided to only read the operative part and deliver the fundamentals to the parties by secretariat.

As of this ruling, Scapolan is dismissed from his position as federal prosecutor of San Isidro, from which he had already been suspended on December 22 by the Jury for the Trial, by 9 votes to one, based on the accusation made by the attorney of the Buenos Aires Court, Julio Conte Grand.

And at that time, the seizure of 40 percent of his salary was also ordered, although now he will stop receiving it completely. The jury was chaired by the president of the First Civil and Commercial Chamber of La Plata, Ana María Bourimborde, since the judges of the provincial Supreme Court and of the Chamber of Cassation excused themselves for having intervened at some stage of the process.

Judicial sources reported that the only vote against the dismissal was that of Senator Vanneli.

After learning of the ruling, the Provincial Commission for Memory (CPM), which is an institutional plaintiff in the criminal case, issued a statement tonight under the title “justice was done.”

“The CPM highlights the verdict of the Trial Jury that recognized the institutional seriousness of this accusation and the large body of evidence to move forward with the dismissal of Scapolan, product of the rigorous work of federal prosecutor Fernando Domínguez,” he said.

The first complaint against prosecutor Scapolan was made in 2016 by former deputy Elisa Carrió and, later, by the federal judge of San Isidro Sandra Arroyo Salgado.

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