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Activist reacts against comedian for sexist comment about his three-month-old son

Activist reacts against comedian for sexist comment about his three-month-old son

MIAMI.- He Spanish comedian Jaime Caravaca was approached and attacked by activist from the right during a presentation he had in Madrid. The man, identified as Alberto Boxingwent up on stage and punched the performer in the face in the middle of the performance.

“This is for the comments pedophiles What have you done to my son? Tell me, tell me my son’s comments, trash! What were you saying, that my son was going to eat a black man’s dick? With three months? “Trash, tell me to my face!” Pugilato shouted furiously after throwing the blow, while Jaime, cornered, did not move or say a word.

According to Alberto Pugilato, who apologized to the public present after the ambush, Caravaca had shared a photograph of his three-month-old son in X accompanied by lewd, pedophilic and sexualizing comments.

“I’m sorry, I apologize. I am just a father who defends his children, he has made sexualizing comments about my three-month-old son and that has its consequences,” he commented, while some people in the public rejected the ambush and asked him to leave. will withdraw and claim him out of the show.

“Now you go and report me,” he told the comedian.

It was then that Caravaca took a moment to respond: “I denounce you,” which again aroused the annoyance of the activist, who slapped him.

According to The World of Spainthe police arrived at the scene, but no arrest was made because Caravara did not want to file a complaint.

The publication

The comedian Jaime Caravaca was part of the Spanish program The resistancea space in which he gained great popularity by playing Sergio Bezos, a man with an ironic and sarcastic attitude who used to be in the audience.
But, after four years in charge of the program segment, in July 2021 he was fired.

Caravaca was also part of the show Yu, don’t miss anything; and in In September 2023 he took a step by participating in Got Talent, performing an improvisation number that mixed his passion for comedy and the performing arts, managing to obtain the golden pass to the final.

However, the artist has been characterized by expressing his points of view on controversial topics, using sarcasm as a tool in his speech, which has generated displeasure in public opinion as many consider that he exceeds and crosses limits.


An example of this has been the altercation with Alberto Pugilato, since in a criticism that Caravara wanted to make of the activist, he shared an X-shaped photo of his three-month-old child with the message: “Nothing and no one will be able to prevent the possibility that he is gay, and When he grows up he gets tired of sucking black cock. And as a black worker, no football players. How wise is time, it’s time to wait.

Caravaca has also made insults or offensive comments towards people linked to the Government of Spain. In the past, he addressed the loss suffered by Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

“Ayuso has lost the child she was expecting because let’s see who can put up with that lady for nine months,” he wrote in X.

Who is Alberto Pugilato?

For his part, Pugilato, as he is popularly known, is also a public figure on social networks who has several followers, but also many detractors.

Alberto GD is the vocalist of the far-right music group Pugilato, whose lyrics, according to El Mundo de España, promote supremacist, homophobic, xenophobic and racist content.

Likewise, on his platforms, the performer and activist shares comments against illegal immigration and the LGBTQ+ community, and defines himself as: “Patriot. Father of 3 children. NS activist persecuted and censored. Anti-Agenda 2030.”

Alberto has also been linked as a follower of Nazism, since the song Juro refers to an iron eagle, which is allegedly an allusion to the Nazi imperial eagle.

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