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Activities, food: how to compensate for the lack of sun?

The sun has been hiding under thick clouds over much of France for several days. How to maintain moral and physical health without the sun? lists a few tracks.

After a bright month of December marked by a thaw that was as pleasant for the body as it was worrying for the planet, France settled into the harsh winter in January. In addition to low temperatures – and for once lower than normal for the season -, we deplore a shortage of sunshine.

Indeed, lately, if the sun has shone, it is only by its absence. For example, from Monday morning until Friday evening, Paris did not experience a minute of sunshine. And the rest of the country has not been better off, apart from certain coastlines.

However, you miss the sun and an entire organism is depopulated. Thus, the lack of light hinders our production of vitamins – especially vitamin D -, and of a crucial hormone for the regulation, balance and well-being of the person: serotonin.

• Maintain physical activity

As noted here Full Life, the relative winter darkness can cause stress. One of the most direct ways to get rid of it or at least reduce it is to maintain a sports or physical activity.

• Make a cure of vitamins, iron and Omega 3

But it is above all a question of providing your body with the contributions, mentioned above, on which it is in principle partially dependent on the sun: vitamins – C, D in particular – but also serotonin. The issue is especially important with regard to vitamin D. Admittedly, this does not come down magically from the sun to us, but the body normally produces it by capturing UV rays.

The periodical thus recommends a cure of vitamins C and D – whose virtue is to strengthen the immune system – but also of iron (element able to reduce fatigue), as well as magnesium and Omega 3. If we talk about “cure” is that it is of course possible to find vitamins and mineral salts in different supplements and capsules.

• Think or rethink your diet

The easiest way, however, is to think about your diet. We can already bet on nuts, almonds and hazelnuts, which contain minerals, fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins. As for the famous vitamin D, we can turn to salmon, herring, anchovies, mackerel. If you do not have a marine palate, you may prefer ham, egg yolk, butter.

Neither diet is suitable for vegans, however. This American study published in November 2018 in the specialized journal New England Journal of Medicineand quoted here, provided for it, recommending for this public to consume mushrooms and orange juice.

Current wife points in an ultimate direction to flush out an additional vitamin, B9: this is easily found in green vegetables and citrus fruits.

Finally, the weather is also part of it. This weekend, the sun will reappear over a broad northern and western third, staying in the south. Advantageous situation which will last a few days. At least until Tuesday.

Robin Verner BFMTV journalist

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