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Acupuncture can be beneficial for treating anxiety. Understand

Did you know that acupuncture can be beneficial for mental health? Anxiety symptoms, for example, can be improved and relieved with the help of this technique linked to Chinese medicine.

Acupuncture is an alternative practice that uses needles to stimulate points on channels and vessels that trigger responses in the various structures of our system. As each point has a specific function, you must first have a medical diagnosis to find out how acupuncture can help you.

From this, the technique can correct the dysfunctions of the structures where the problem is and allow the treatment of several diseases. But be careful: along with acupuncture, it is also necessary to make certain corrections to lifestyle habits, such as adjusting your diet and balance between work and recreational activities.

In addition, depending on the disease being treated, it is common to use Chinese medicines along with the technique.

How does acupuncture help with anxiety?

According to the acupuncturist Luiz Sampaio, the alternative practice can help with anxiety effectively and without bringing the adverse effects of the medications usually used for this type of treatment.

“The combination of acupuncture, meditative practices and phytotherapy has given a good response to treat the problem”, explains the specialist.

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