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Adán Augusto denies that messages from soccer players have political intentions

Adán Augusto denies that messages from soccer players have political intentions

After the footballers Miguel Layun, Giovanni Dos Santos Y Braulio Moon upload videos to their social networks in which they send greetings to the current secretary of the interior Adam Augusto Lopezthe owner of the Segob He appreciated the gesture, but clarified that they carry out this type of action until the time established by law is over, since it can lead to misinterpretations.

The videos collected by the Tik-Tok account “Al momento 4T” were interpreted by network users as a “early campaign”, to which the secretary of the interior replied that all the support he has received in the Mexican republic It has nothing to do with your aspiration to presidency.

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He also asked his followers that “messages or propaganda are not disseminated, that my name, image or public position be used on social networks or any means of communication or dissemination, since we are currently not in the times indicated by the norm for this”.

in your account Twitter He made a publication in which he shared a statement clarifying the situation: “These are the times to accompany and consolidate the nation’s project. Although I am grateful for some expressions of support that I have received these days in various states of the Republic, I consider it opportune to make the following statement known.”

For his part, the footballer Giovanni Dos Santos distanced itself from the controversy by also publishing a statement in Twitterin which he clarifies that the greeting sent to the holder of the Segob It does not have any political overtones nor does it support any campaign.

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