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Adobe Premiere Pro with “text-based video editing”

When presenting the new version of Premiere Pro, Adobe first pointed out that the video editing program should run more stably than before and now uses GPU acceleration in many tools. In addition, Premiere Pro automatically saves in the background. The most important innovation, however, is “text-based editing”, video editing via the rearrangement of transcribed verbal contributions in the recording.

Premiere Pro automatically generates a full transcript from the audio track, such as a recorded interview. This transcript appears in a separate window next to the video and runs along with it as it is played. Meanwhile, users can name individual speakers in this window.

The video can also be edited via the transcript window, for example rearranging dialogue contributions or deleting passages. Premiere Pro translates what happens in the text editor into the video, cuts out clips and rearranges them. Adobe brings a new and intuitive way to edit videos.

Color correction also uses artificial intelligence. Thanks to automatic tone mapping, users only have to drag their videos into the timeline. Premiere Pro automatically adjusts the colors, according to Adobe. By default, the option is disabled to respect decades-old clicking habits.

Premiere Pro trims video after text input in Transcript Editor.

Motion graphics can now be edited in After Effects using the new Properties panel. This allows you to edit colors quickly instead of having to laboriously click through the timeline as before. After Effects thus catches up with other applications such as Photoshop or Illustrator.

The innovations presented are still in a beta phase. Text-based editing will be available to all Premiere Pro users in May. After Effects should also get the properties panel in May.

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The applications are only available as a subscription. A full Creative Cloud subscription costs €61.95 per month. A subscription for a single application costs 23.79 euros per month.


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