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Adolfo Chuiman revealed his favorite duo to work on TV: it’s not about Yvonne Frayssinet

Adolfo Chuiman revealed his favorite duo to work on TV. He did not mention Yvonne Frayssinet. Amériac TV / You are in All

Adolfo Chuimanthe popular ‘Peter Mckay’ from “In the background there is room”, he gave an extensive interview to the program “You are in all”, where he revealed who his favorite pair is to work on the small screen. To the surprise of the fans, the national actor did not mention Yvonne Frayssinetwho gives life to ‘Isabella Maldini’.

As is known, Adolfo Chuiman and Yvonne Frayssinet, whose characters have an unfinished love story, have been working together on the América TV series for 15 years. Since then, they have been united by a strong relationship of friendship,

“We have been working together since 2008, imagine, all the years that have passed. He is a lovely, gentleman, funny and gentle man. He is cute, ”Ivonne indicated in a conversation with the newspaper El Popular.

Even the national actress was concerned about the absence of ‘Peter Mckay’ in “In the background there is room” after the butler was shot, so he immediately contacted his co-star. “I called him and told him: ‘Adolfo, you can’t leave. You can’t do this to me,'” he said.

Adolfo Chuiman told who his favorite co-star has been over the years.

In an interview with “You are in all”, Adolfo Chuiman indicated that it considers Aurora Aranda as his “perfect” duo in all these years acting. Both worked together on the TV series “thousand trades”, where the comedy actress gave life to ‘Carmencita’.

“She is the one with whom I worked the most, well. We knew each other perfectly. She knew where she was going to go, what she was going to answer. Actually, she should have continued here and she would be here. What happens is that she fell in love with her, she had her child and she stayed in the United States, ”she specified.

Adolfo Chuimán (Renato) with Aurora Aranda (Carmencita) and Olga Zumarán (Eva) in the recordings of “Mil Oficiones”.

Likewise, the actor explained that he also considers good companions to Nathaniel Sanchez and Andres Wiesethe brothers ‘Fernanda’ and ‘Nicolás’ in “In the background there is room”. Until now, Adolfo hopes that the national artist, based in Spain, returns to Peru to enter the series that launched her to fame.

“The little girl is cute. She went to Spain because she wanted to, I told her ‘why are you going? Is not easy’. Here she would be working. I would love to come back. She called me on the phone and made me cry. We loved each other very much. With Andrés too ”, she maintained.

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