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Advantages of Neuromarketing

We are probably already experiencing it without knowing it. neuromarketing is the study of how consumers’ brains respond to advertising (including advertisements) and many types of brand-related messages. It usually involves monitoring brain activity, eye tracking (eye tracking) and skin reactions or response. The techniques of neuromarketing they rely on neural and physiological signals, seeking to reveal the customers’ purchase motivators, their preferences, as well as their decision-making processes to buy. This technique also seeks to predict the potential performance of a specific product (tangible or intangible) or of an advertising campaign. marketing.

He neuromarketing It can be used in countless ways. It is possible to study what the brain of consumers does when they make purchase decisions, as three renowned universities Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University and the MIT Sloan School of Management did in 2007. It was found that it is possible to predict what a consumer will buy. That’s right, the results of neuromarketing studies seem to be surprising.

There are several ways in which neuromarketing can be used by companies: product and experience testing, advertisement effect, optimization of website activities, brand campaigns, among many others. Unfortunately, neuromarketing studies are expensive due to their sophistication and specialization.

Despite the costs, the benefits of neuromarketing they are diverse. You can have a more detailed perspective of consumer behavior, because consumer preferences and trends are studied in more detail. While traditional market research mainly employs surveys and focus groups (focus groups) that in many cases are added to the feelings and reactions of the consumer, neuromarketing can offer detailed information on the behavior of the consumer at all times.

Another benefit of neuromarketing it has to do with the impossibility of the consumer to indicate something other than his behavior. In surveys, the answers may be different from the reaction or behavior that the consumer shows before a personalized study. This also implies being able to reveal subconscious behaviors that the consumer often cannot or does not know how to express in a survey. By seeking to have a holistic process of understanding the consumer, neuromarketing can support traditional market research, which in turn would positively impact its cost.

Some of the criticisms of neuromarketing they involve sensitive issues for many consumers and businesses. On the one hand, it can be perceived that the treatment offered neuromarketing could be manipulative of your answers. This would imply being able to manipulate the consumer at a neural level, something impossible. Others say that it is a pseudoscience (something that is presented as science without being it). However, the evidence indicates otherwise. Finally, some affirm that there is nothing new, that neuromarketing is simply something new to explain something that can be found with simpler and cheaper methods. Unfortunately, when the consumer is aware at the moment of responding, he can modify his responses, making it very difficult for him to change his reactions to specific stimuli.

The area of marketing it is very coarse; he neuromarketing supports the development of consumer insight by offering more details. Many of these details are obtained from natural or autonomous reactions of consumers. It is common for consumers to be little or not aware of many of these same reactions. With the advent of a very large number of technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence, it is very likely that the understanding of the consumer using neuromarketing is increasingly within everyone’s reach. The development of science continues and will help many companies to improve their offer to each consumer.

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