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AfD in the East, the strongest party: Survey: Union only comes in second place

According to polls, the AfD is the strongest party in the East. In a special evaluation of the weekly Sunday trend by “Bild am Sonntag” and the opinion trend of “Bild”, the party now has 26 percent in the eastern German states excluding Berlin.

This puts the AfD well ahead of the Union, which has 23 percent.

The SPD is 20 percent, the Greens reach ten percent and the FDP eight percent. The left comes in the east at nine percent. The other parties could unite four percent of the votes.

Nationwide, the Greens remain at 14 percent

For the Sunday question in the East, the data from the last three Sunday trends between mid-April and early May were cumulated with those from the last two “Bild” opinion trends. The resulting number of cases in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia was 1009 respondents.

Nationwide, the Greens remain in the current “Bams” Sunday trend at 14 percent. The SPD loses one point and reaches 20 percent, the FDP gains one point and reaches nine percent.

The strongest force remains the Union with 28 percent. The AfD is stable at 16 percent, the left loses a point and would miss the five percent hurdle with four percent. The other parties could unite nine percent of the votes.

For the nationwide “BamS” Sunday trend, the opinion research institute Insa surveyed 1204 people in the period from May 2nd to 5th. (AFP)

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