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Affair Graichen: Otherwise cheerful further / commentary by Norbert Wallet

badish newspaper

Freiburg (ots)

The Greens are reacting to the allegations of nepotism around the Ministry of Economic Affairs led by Robert Habeck in accordance with the established laws of political crisis management: sit out, have a little regret, sacrifice a pawn – otherwise research a counter-attack on the attackers. (…) The fact that the Greens around Habeck believe they can make ends meet with this suggests that there has been a loss of reality. The affair does not hit just any party. For the Greens, affairs that have the appearance of nepotism are particularly sensitive. Their policies are always underlaid with a tone of moral superiority, with a self-assured attitude of precise knowledge of what is not only politically right but also ethically imperative. The affair also hits the party at a time when it wants to expect many changes from the citizens. Preaching water and drinking wine – that this image sticks is the danger for the party.

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badish newspaper
Final editing Badische Zeitung
Phone: 0761/496-0

Original content from: Badische Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell

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