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Afore: How much should I save to have a pension of 15 thousand pesos?

The Retirement Fund Administrators (afore) are financial entities created to safely manage and invest resources for the retirement of workers and thus improve the conditions of their pensionHowever, if you want to have a decent retirement, you will have to start doing voluntary savings.

It is a reality that Mexican workers must think about strategies to increase the money for their retirement, so that when they retire they can have a payment similar to the last salary received, so that they can cover their basic needs, be able to pay for services and give themselves some taste.

You must save this to have a pension of 15 thousand pesos

According to retirement specialists, the worker must have an amount of 3.6 million pesos in his account, an amount that he can collect if he makes voluntary contributions through the Afore mobile application, uses GanaAhorro or uses the AforeWeb to make transfers to your Individual Account.

According to Consar, the ideal is to start saving for retirement from the age of 25, in this way, you will have 40 years to be saving and have a decent pension that allows you to cover the needs of the retiree.

It may interest you: What is the Afore and what is it for?

What can I do to save more?

The study “Analysis and recommendations of public policy for retirement savings in Mexico” carried out by Vanguard México and the group of researchers “Mexico, how are we doing?”, the following strategies could be made to save more: savings plans for the voluntary withdrawal, modification of the return of individual account resources, progressive increase in retirement age, portability of savings accounts, simplification of administrative procedures, and use of technology in retirement savings accounts.

On the other hand, the same research shares that employed women tend to save more, compared to employed men who are between the ages of 18 and 29.

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