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African Union gives Niger junta 15-day ultimatum to restore government

African Union gives Niger junta 15-day ultimatum to restore government

Brigadier General Mohamed Toumba, one of the soldiers who ousted President Mohamed Bazoum on Wednesday, told state television that the junta met with officials on Friday and asked them to continue working as usual after the suspension of the constitution. “The message that was given was not to stop the ongoing processes, to move on,” said Brigadier General Toumba.

“Everything that needs to be done will be done,” he said, implying that the intention of the regime led by General Abdourahmane Tchiani, also known as Omar, is to remain in power.

Following its meeting on Friday, the African Union Peace and Security Council expressed concern about the “alarming resurgence” of coups that undermine democracy and stability on the continent. He asked the soldiers to “return immediately and unconditionally to their barracks and reestablish constitutional authority, within a maximum period of fifteen (15) days.”

Bazoum, whose status and that of his officers remain unknown since the government’s overthrow, should also be released immediately and unconditionally, the AU said. Failure to do so would force the bloc to take “the necessary measures, including punitive measures against the perpetrators.”

On Saturday, in the streets of Niamey, the Nigerian capital, the situation seemed to return to normal, although many members of the international community were still holed up in hotels full of foreigners, many of whom had been instructed not to come out.

The local population is waiting for what happens, and many continue to support Bazoum, who has not resigned yet. “I am with him, he does a good job. (But) What can we do?” said Mohamed Cisse, a street vendor. “This is the time (of the new leader), the time of Bazoum is over,” he said.


Asadu reported in Abuja, Nigeria. Baba Ahmed in Bamako, Mali contributed to this report.

FOUNTAIN: Associated Press

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