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After 16 days of silence, Cristina Kirchner appeared on social networks: what did she say?

The vice president had been silent since February 3 when she congratulated Revolución Ciudadana on its victory in the Ecuadorian sectional elections

By iProfessional

02/19/2023 – 10:05 p.m.

This Sunday officials and militants of the Frente de Todos greeted Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner on social networks for her 70th birthday, and they highlighted his figure as a leader who “dedicated her life to governing by and for those who have less”.

With the hashtag “Cristina Cumple” as a trend, the social network Twitter was the epicenter of greetings to the former president from the first minutes of Sunday. Many of the messages expressed their support for the vice president and repudiated the ban.

Cristina Kirchner broke the silence

The vice president celebrates her 70th birthday, in a very troubled year, in which she was the victim of a attempted murder starring Fernando André Sabag Montiel, co-perpetrator of the attack.

The images of the gun triggering centimeters from the former president’s head are still present on all television channels, and the investigation against the Federal Revolution group remains open.

Despite this, and still without political definitions, Fernández de Kirchner returned to appear publicly, although with greater security measures.

Given the enormous number of greetings, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner turned to her social networks to leave a message to all the militants who took a minute to greet her on her birthday.

“Thank you very much to all of you for the birthday greetings that you sent me. For the messages of love… for the incredible videos. I feel you all very close to my heart,” CFK posted on Twitter.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who in recent times only appears on social networks to attack Justice, was silent since February 3, when she published “Great victory of the Citizen Revolution in the Ecuadorian sectional elections Congratulations to @MashiRafael and fraternal embrace to the candidates”.

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