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After a chase, they intercept a cigarette dealer in San Vicente | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Thursday March 30, 2023 | 7:06 p.m.

The Misiones Police intercepted an Amarok truck full of cigarettes of foreign origin valued at more than 8 and a half million pesos. The 23-year-old driver was arrested after abandoning the vehicle and attempting to escape.

According to what was reported by police sources, members of Regional Unit VIII were carrying out prevention operations yesterday in the town of San Vicente, when two trucks evaded a checkpoint on national route 14 at kilometer 1267 and entered a dirt road, so the agents began a chase.

During the procedure, a Gol car began to hinder traffic, trying to get the police vehicles, making one of the vans flee next to the car.

Next, the patrols requested the support of the members of the Investigations, Drug Addiction and Jurisdictional Police Divisions, who closed off the area known as agricultural lot ex kilometer 1263.

It was so that an Amarok that wanted to collide with a mobile ended up misleading on a shoulder. There, the driver tried to escape by abandoning the vehicle, but after a few meters he was stopped by the agents. They then found that the truck was full of boxes of contraband cigarettes.

For this reason, they notified the Federal Prosecutor and judge of the city of Oberá, who ordered that the cargo together with the vehicle be transferred to the premises of the municipal sports center in the San Roque neighborhood of the city of San Vicente, where the final count was carried out, totaling 2,410 gross, with an approximate capacity of $8,500,000 pesos.

It should be mentioned that at this time intelligence work is being carried out in order to establish the place of collection of the merchandise of illegal origin and also, to arrest the others involved in the smuggling.

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