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After a romance with a producer, a Televisa actress will be a villain in this telenovela

Mariana Seoane She is one of the most famous actresses in Televisadespite the fact that she has now been away from the TV soapsreturns as a villain of successful production.

However, she is involved in strong gossip since it was revealed that she maintains a love and secret relationship with the producer of this melodrama.

His fans say that this romance got him the main role, in The Truth News We share all the details.

Mariana Seoene, Televisa actress, returns to telenovelas

Mariana Seoane premieres a role in a Televisa soap opera.

“My little naughty”, “Love song” and “Gypsy love” are some of the telenovelas by Mariane Seoane on Televisaso it is not surprising that now she is chosen as the villain of a new project.

According to what was announced, La Seoane will be Bernarda in the soap opera “Land of Hope”which is produced by José Alberto “El Güero” Castro.

It was even said that she would be in charge of composing and singing the musical theme of the melodrama, as she has previously done for other productions.

However, now it is in serious controversy since today it was announced that there is a romance between Mariane Seoane and El Güero Castroproducer of this soap opera.

It may interest you: Mariana Seoane in a secret romance with a Televisa producer and Angelica Rivera’s ex.

What happened to Mariane Seoane?

Mariana Seoane with El Güero Castro on a date.

Mariana Seoane is in the eye of the hurricane when it is revealed that she has a secret love affair with Angélica Rivera’s ex and father of her daughter, Sofía Castro.

According to information released by TvNotasthey have been dating for 4 months and, so far, everything is going very well since both are happy and in love.

The entertainment magazine leaked some photographs where they are seen kissing outside an exclusive restaurant where they had a romantic date.

This is not the only problem in which La Seoane found itself involved since Paty Navidad announced that she received offensive comments from the singer when they worked together on “Por ella soy Eva”.

The actress revealed that she was mistreated by the interpreter and Lucero, which caused her various emotional havoc.

Given this, Mariana Seoane did not hesitate to apologize to her fellow actress for what happened, but accepted that it was not part of a plot, but rather inappropriate comments.

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