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After defending 49.3, a Renaissance deputy asks Macron to “suspend” the pension reform

On BFMTV, the deputy for Hérault Patrick Vignal asked the President of the Republic to “suspend” the bill … only 24 hours after having defended the use of 49.3 in the constituency.

Change of opinion. On BFMTV this Monday, Patrick Vignal, Renaissance MP for Hérault, asked the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron not to enact the pension reform if the text is validated by the Constitutional Council. “We must suspend” the bill, he pleaded a few hours after the rejection of a motion of censure which he did not support.

However, this weekend, 48 hours after the announcement of the use of 49.3, the deputy Renaissance had gone to meet the inhabitants of his constituency… to defend the use made by the government of this constitutional weapon.

“Doing pedagogy”

“The political maneuvers of some have made the result uncertain, hence the use of 49.3, we must go into the field to discuss and educate otherwise we will give free rein to demagogy and anger”, he wrote on Twitter this Sunday.

“Faced with so much anger (…) I think that we need appeasement and that we must suspend” the pension reform, he said on Monday on BFMTV.

Because after the rejection of the motions of censure at the end of the day, rallies took place everywhere in France to denounce the adoption of the bill. Violence was reported in several cities, on the side of the demonstrators as well as on the side of the police.

“We must discuss again with the unions”, now assures Patrick Vignal, who believes at the same time that a pension reform is necessary. “I think we have a debate to have in a peaceful way,” he insists.

“It lacks (this reform) coherence, meaning”, continues the deputy Renaissance, who believes that the President of the Republic “can surprise us and that we reflect with a real social debate on the place of work.”

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