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After Edmundo Jacobo resigned, Morena warned of an alleged attempt to “tie” the INE

Morena asked that he not be appointed as the new executive president of the INE (special)

Half a month after being reassigned to his post, on Tuesday afternoon, the Executive Secretary of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Edmund James mill submitted his resignation to the electoral body.

This will take place on April 3, the day on which the presidency of the body will be renewed together with the departure of some directors. However, far from the ranks of the National Regeneration Movement (Brunette) there is celebration, suspicions flared

Well, the legislators of the cherry party, Juliet Ramirez and Hamlet Almaguer, Through a video, they warned that the INE directors, before finishing their term, could try to appoint someone new and thus continue to control the Institute.

In the joint video statement shared on their social networks, they asked the General Council not to carry out any appointment until they were appointed and entered to their posts the new councilors of the electoral body.

“From Morena we demand that the INE General Council refrain from appointing a new executive secretary until it is filled with the new president and the three members who are about to be appointed by this sovereignty”

In this regard, Morena’s substitute affirmed that the Electoral Institute has been handled inadequately by the electoral advisers, for which reason she said that it was not surprising that these they could make an albazo for the appointment of someone new.

Almaguer recalled that the position has a duration of six years, so he warned that they could try to “tie” the next administration.

This is due to the fact that the party and supporters of the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) have accused the directors Lorenzo Cordova Vianello already Cyrus Murayama to use the INE arbitrarily and for their own benefit.

In addition to the fact that Edmundo Jacobo has been appointed to remain in charge of the INE for several years. This is why through Plan B, in the transitory article 17 of the decree sought the dismissal of the Executive Secretary. However, after being challenged, the reinstatement of Jacobo Molina was achieved.

Edmundo Jacobo offered a press conference where he offered an explanation of his resignation, presented to the president counselor Lorenzo Córdova Vianello.

After the controversies of Plan B, the former executive secretary resigned from his position (Cuartoscuro)

One of these was directly related to the matter of his removal with Plan Bbecause he assured that his work within the Institute was questioned and the internal design of the body was affected by the electoral reform of the president.

“The attacks and lies about me and my career began, even from the daily conferences that from the National Palace heads the President of the Republic. It has even been pointed out that I have been a public servant of the national electoral authority for three decades, a statement that I say again is obviously a falsehood “

He added that the new person to replace him should be someone who have technical mastery of the position and that it is distant from the political actors that converge in the public sphere.

After the above, he irrevocably announced his resignation: “I am not encouraged by preserving myself in a job position, but by the Law and the institutions.”

At the end, he was questioned about the settlement he would receive, since Jacobo Molina had been within the INE since 2008, 16 years instead of the 30 indicated by President López Obrador.

However, he refrained from giving a clear figure and even assured that the issue of settlements, liquidations or compensations was being used for political purposes by the media.

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