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After migrant tragedy, AMLO criticizes lack of EU support

Juarez City.- During his visit to Ciudad Juárez, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador referred to the case of the death of 39 migrants at the provisional station of the National Institute of Migration, describing it as a sad event and criticized that despite proposing several projects to the United States nothing has been done.

“This is a sad day to visit Ciudad Juárez,” he mentioned in his message to the so-called Servants of the Nation.

“It hurts us a lot, because we have been working to avoid these misfortunes; from the beginning of this government, we have worked to address the causes of the problems, to go further, because we are very clear that no one leaves their countries, their communities, for pleasure”, he added in the meeting held privately.

According to the Delegation of Development Programs, López Obrador mentioned that the phenomenon of migration was marked by poverty and the lack of opportunities, which was what led thousands of people to leave their countries every day with the intention of to reach the United States avoiding infinity of dangers.

He assured that from his government they have been insisting a lot to support the inhabitants of the Caribbean and other countries of Central and South America.

“But we have not had a response, neither from President Trump, nor now from President Biden, projects have been made, we have sent countless proposals, but nothing has been done,” he stressed, according to the federal Delegation.

“We, from our capacity and with all the good intentions, with a lot of effort, have taken the Sowing Life and Young People Building the Future programs to some Central American countries where there has been a very good response, since many men and women who wanted to go to the United States, they haven’t left anymore thanks to these programs,” he said.

The federal President stressed that now President Joe Biden made the temporary scholarship plan for those who want to go to the United States at the end of October of last year, and this was quite helpful, because the migratory flow decreased, but it is still not enough, investment is needed in these countries.

In Latin America, he noted, no investment has been made since the time of President Kennedy.

According to López Obrador, since then there have been no real aid programs and what they now do is send very little through the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), which, he criticized, become pure simulation, since they keep the money that in itself is little and they use it for their very good salaries and bureaucratic structures, but nothing reaches the people.

He asserted that in the United States they insist a lot that this is the best way because the governments are corrupt in Latin America.

The President said that he has insisted that not all governments are, that there are hard-working and honest people who want the best for their countries.

“But if they continue to distrust, I have told them to do like us, to give money to people, directly to give them a card and deposit there, but no, they don’t care,” he said.

In his message, he commented that his government would stick with its ideology of attacking the causes, since “evil cannot be attacked with evil.”

Ariadna Montiel, Secretary of Welfare, was the one who hosted the meeting that López Obrador held with staff from the State Delegation and Welfare Banks in Ciudad Juárez.

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