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After more than 20 years, another historic group of New Year’s dolls says goodbye to La Plata

“One day the (flame) began to go out”thus begins the moving post of the group’s leaders Dolls 13 and 74 that in the last hours joined the farewell of the renowned GAAM Drako and announced that after more than two uninterrupted decades of creations, they will finally not receive the new year by participating in the historic tradition of La Plata. With great pain, the boys, young people and adults who every year surprised everyone with their huge and detailed dolls; they resolved to put an end to their efforts and pointed to the “permanent conflicts” behind the sad decision.

“After two uninterrupted decades, this year we decided NOT to make any dolls,” they wrote on social networks to account for their determination and were hurt by it: “It hurts our souls because we spent many years sharing the festivities together, but each year it became more difficult, more expensive, and with less support from the Municipality. The lack of dialogue and permanent conflicts led us to make this decision for this year, to rethink many things and see how we will continue”they indicated.

Although they left a door open to return in the coming years, the creators of popular dolls such as those of El Zorro, who was burned in 2021, tried to explain the reasons for their determination: “The reasons are many, fines that we found out a month later, unfulfilled commitments, lack of dialogue, high costs, lack of interest, etc.

“It is the most important POPULAR tradition that we La Plata have, it is our tradition, it is your tradition and it is the tradition of all those who support year after year with a visit, a coin or a while sharing together”, they added addressing all the neighbors and closed with a request for all of them and the authorities: “We don’t know how many more years this tradition will have, if it will be the decline or the resurgence. The only thing we know is that it is our CULTURAL IDENTITY as people of La Plata and we must take care of it!”.

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