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After scandal about drag reading and Aiwanger: CSD Munich distributes scolding to CSU

Bavaria’s Deputy Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) had spoken out against a drag queen reading for children. Image: dpa / Peter Kneffel

Shrill and colorful – apparently that’s nothing for Bavaria’s Free Voters boss Hubert Aiwanger. With his criticism of the family reading with drag queens like “Eric BigClit” and “Vicky Voyage”, he caused a lot of fuss on social networks.

“This is a child welfare threat and a case for the youth welfare office, not cosmopolitanism, as the Greens play down,” says Aiwanger to the “Bild” newspaper and calls for the event to be stopped. There is also strong criticism of the drag queen reading from the Christian Social Union in Bavaria.

The CSU apparently does not like drag queen readings like here in Austria. Image: APA / Eva Manhart

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